congratulations on finding my website on the world wide web

here you'll find a collection of a bunch of things i like ♡

or whatever i don't like but want to scream about next. i am everyones favorite pseudo-intellectual with dozens of pseudonyms so if ya know one call me it if you want. i have quite an antipathy to carnal impropriety so if i am mean to you ask yourself, "am i a giga tranner enthusiast deprived of normalcy and the national average touching of grass degenerate?"


manga unsorted / personal archive / meet me by the mystery flesh pit / magi girl generator / are you going to heaven


le pro God 4chins thread rant / soon


Sites I made for my frens: Enexi site / Moe site
  • i forgot to date everything... but i updated my archive! 1.20.24
  • redid my entire layout..........again
  • heh.. added a lil smthn.. here
  • redid the entire layout, wow!
  • edited and going live, folks

  • Resources♪

    REPTH's themes a ton of free themes

    layouts and tipsteppy's layout and tips

    sadgrl layout builder allows you to make your own layout

    vertpush's resources: list of organised references, from website-building to art.

    w3schools' tutorials: tutorials, also i use the "tryit editor" to code, kek

    sadgrl layouts she recovered some layouts for use

    layout website builder a layout builder

    tamanotchi:virtual pet

    neko cat: a cat that follows your cursor

    RV's free script codes: an assortment of page, text and mouse scripts (using JavaScript)

    guestbookadd a guestbook to your page

    chat box function: add a live chatbox feed to your site

    hit countercounts the people who view your site

    is a file hoster for all your images

    marry your fave
    fake marriage certificate

    bitview account / discord server / email me... NEVER!

    ♡ All written materials on this Web site are my own, and all are released under the Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License Version 2.